Sharplight Laser Treatments

Skin Rejuvenation

The skin rejuvenation treatments, apply intense pulsed light (IPL) radio frequency (RF) and infrared technologies (IR), result in clearer, firmer, younger looking skin in just a few sessions. This treatment is suitable for the face, hands, neck & chest of all skin types & age groups. The treatments improve the appearance of fine lines, sunspots, enlarged pores, elastosis, mottled pigmentation, dyschromia, rosacea, broken capillaries, spider veins amongst others.

  • The treatments efficiently & effectively tighten skin and reduce a range of aging signs, like wrinkles & pigmentation
  • Long lasting results are achieved in relatively small number of treatments
  • Treatments are non-invasive, clean & relatively painless
  • Treatments are once every 4 weeks

Laser Hair Reduction

The Sharplight laser hair reduction System is considered to be of the highest quality & is one of the most advanced laser hair reduction system. A light beam penetrates deep into the skin and is absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair follicle. This energy is powerful enough to penetrate the hair follicles and prevent future growth, without damaging the surrounding skin..

  • Treatments are non invasive & relatively painless
  • 80-90% hair reduction after 6-8 treatments
  • No downtime

Body/face contouring

Congratulations you’ve lost some weight! Now what to do with the loose skin....we can help with that! Sharplight’s body contouring will restore your confidence and get you beach ready! A session can last up to 90 minutes, depending on the area. The radio frequency (RF) target the fat cells causing them to break down, absorbed by the lymphatic system and naturally disposed of through the body’s natural elimination process. Reducing fats from your body will result in losses of inches around the area that’s been treated. Once the desired reduction is achieved, the infrared light (IF) is applied to renew the collagen cells. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in important to achieve maximum results. Popular areas are the arms, chin, abdomen & buttocks

  • Clients will see the results after 1 to 4 sessions
  • Improves the function of your lymphatic system
  • Reduces the appearance of blemishes cause be cellulite
  • You can target more than one area of your body at one time
  • Pain free- feels like a warm massage
  • No down time

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